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Technical Support Form

Having trouble placing an order on our Web site? Sometimes this happens, and could be caused by the combination of our software and your Web browser software, or by the failure of a third party service (like shipping rate lookups), or just an isolated problem on our site. 

In the "Details" field below, please tell us:

  1. What is the main problem you've experienced
  2. Did you receive any error messages from our store? If so, what did they say?
  3. What Web browser are you using (Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
  4. What version is your Web browser software? (check the Help or About menu in your software)
  5. What type of computer and Operating System are you using (Windows 8, Debian Wheezy, Mac OS 10.6, etc.).
  6. If you were making an order...
    • What item were you trying to order
    • How far did you get in the checkout process
    • At what step of the checkout process did things go wrong?

   Full Name:
*  Email Address:
   Company Name:
   Phone Number:
   Order Number:
   RMA Number:
*  Details:
*  Captcha Check:

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